Thursday, August 14, 2008

Google Services iGoogle

With the "Mad" choices of themes and new "Artisit Themes" now available for your gift from Google, iGoogle is your page built by you, for you, no friend sharing, only for you, to house your interests for you. Neato! Not a blog that you create for visitors, but a page to relax with your stuff, your research, your interests, a place to sort of refresh from the masses of the net, a private apartment of sorts.

iGoogle gadgets are outstanding, set up an entire page with your chosen gadgets like a Spanish Teaching Gadget for students and teachers, a Nintendo Gadget for all you gamers (like me), I Love NY Pic of the Day gadget, Presidents Weekly Radio Address gadget, blog gadgets to keep up with all of your favorite social network blogs, and many more to add to pages on your iGoogle site :)

Addition 8/15/2008: Visit My Friend Doug Gordons Blog Post For Some Updates on iGoogle

Stephanie Haile aka Wavecritter Google Me ;)


Wyverex said...

YAY IGoogle FTW (For The Win)

One Star Health said...

Google Sites are an awesome freebie from Google :)