Sunday, September 7, 2008

Google Me Lively 3D Chat

Onto the very coolest new deal of googles Google Lively 3D Chat! Visit and venture into the Google Room to stand on top of the TRex outside the building in the yard or hurry over to another of the Google lively 3D Rooms at Lively and chat in 3D, body slam an unsuspecting friend, dance, or walk around with your "little You" for all to see ;)

I, of course, am a bit drawn to the UnderSea Room :) Called Science Fiction Underwater World :) Check out the Whales!

Then go see Jens Coffee House or pyjama partie or Lost or any number of cool rooms at Googles Lively 3D Chat!

Stephanie Haile aka Wavecritter Google Me ;)

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