Friday, June 6, 2008

Google Me Vox

Vox is a cool blogsite, social network combo with groups, news, even post duel posts to Live Journal and Vox at the same time if you want :)

Finding and making friends at Vox is a breeze by joining groups.

Theres "you", "your neighborhood", and "groups" available to you at

I chose The Inklings group (a literary discussion group) and 5 Word Challenge Writers Union Writers Groups. The 5 Word challenge is loads of fun and will help you become a better writer by challenging you with 5 words chosen by one of its active mebers, with which you create a piece of prose, anything from a short paragraph, poetry, or an article, novel chapter, or get creative even more than that.

There are fairly new themes for your blogsite over at Vox that are very cool, The Theme I chose "Raven" by Lilia Ahner is my very favorite. There is also a neat one I thought you would like to see "River At Night" by Teresa Jones

Vox has a question of the day that makes posting ideas a snap, just answer the question with a post to your blog. No worries. They have Todays Vox Hunt Challenge and Team Vox news ready for you as well. Adding photos, audio, video, selling books from your Amazon bookstore, and using adsense at Vox is quite simple too.

They have a handy tool with posting, "adding a person link" add one of friends to your post via their Vox icon and link, neato.

Enjoy Vox Today :)

Stephanie Haile aka Wavecritter Google Me

Wavecritter on Vox

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